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Meet Ivan.

I spent years facing road blocks in my career. I tried to excel, promote, or get recognized for my efforts…and eventually, when it started working out, I destroyed relationships along the way. Then I became a leader and things changed—I had to lead people. This was a struggle because knowing the job requires a completely different set of skills than leading others. 


I began to learn that my leadership behaviors both at home and at work impacted those around me whether I knew it or not. Subtle verbal remarks, loud non-verbals and an array of behaviors that were hindering my growth and influence with those around me. Eventually I learned that we all have a voice, but we all feel unheard and undervalued. This creates low performance in our teams, destroys relationships and causes Leaders to lose influence and rarely hear the truth from their people. 


My mission is to bridge this gap and help people new leaders discover their voice to lead better, couples to reimagine communication, and drive stagnant teams to perform better. When we do this, we create leaders people WANT to follow, not have to follow and build places everyone wants to work for. 

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